Management Team
About Us
BPO and SEO Outsourcing firms rely heavily on a management staff that consists of flexible, smart and adaptive professionals with vast multi-national experience. An outsource BPO provider should combine the worlds of Western business practices and economical development together to produce a successful outsourcing solution. 365Outsource does this by using a Filipino environment to produce turn key business solutions through local resources that are both adaptive and equipped for the job.
Our local management team adapts both culture fluidly and western work ethics making them a great solution for managing our organization. 365outsource was founded by a former Israeli army officer with extensive programming and business experience. He has staffed a management team of American and Filipino professionals making the perfect mix of training in Western business practices and understanding of the Filipino ideology that makes the country sound.
Operations Management
The operations Management team facilitates the project setup and executes all of our client’s projects and managed employees. The goal of our operational department is to ensure the client’s project targeted goals are met and exceeded. Our operations department typically acts as liaison with the client to accurately report benchmarks and progress indicators, sets up project workflows and ensures quality in progress of the work’s performance. Our operational managers execute these tasks by assigning teams to projects, leading these team leaders and teams and properly adapting performance reviews as projects flesh out. Our operations department is your direct link to project satisfaction and delivery.
Human Resources and Employee Relations Management
Recruitment and Staffing Management
Our Staffing professionals are responsible for qualifying and obtaining the most qualified professionals for our client’s projects that reflect our core competencies and ethics. Doing this is a skill in itself and requires an intimate understanding of the educational system, employee benefits, testing and training. Our staffing professionals are connected to a unique system of employee obtainment that allows 365Outsource to acquire virtually any projected needs for a dedicated of managed project our clients may have. Job fairs, online marketing and securing brand awareness all aide in employee acquisition and retention. Working together with other interdepartmental structures gives our staffing department the ability to staff quickly for projects if necessary while offering the opportunity for our clients to integrate their own requirements to our workflow.
IT and Technical Support
The IT department is critical to the value of 365Outsource in a way that can directly or indirectly incorporate into your project needs. Building infrastructure, maintaining consistency in production time with hardware and software management allows our organization to run at full capacity. For large projects our IT staff works directly with our client’s liaison to ensure proper networking and managed IT systems are in place to produce the desired workflow and deliverables. Once a project is launched, our IT department assumes responsibility for its technical functions and ensures that that progress is being made 24/7/365.