Business Pending Review and Bug on Google Places

Just recently, there have been dozens of threads on Google Maps and Places forums with complaints and questions about their business listings in Google Places that have suddenly changed its status from Active to Pending. This is an alarming issue for many business owners since their business won’t be seen on Google Maps. Owners are also reporting that their Google Places SEO is losing its traffic because of the sudden Pending status, causing them to worry.

Google Places bug

According to Brianna, a Google Places representative who answered in one of the threads regarding the issue, work is in progress to resolve the issue.

“Thanks for reporting this issue. We are aware that listings have reverted to pending in users’ accounts. To check if your listing is live, please do a search in Google Maps for [BUSINESS NAME in POSTAL CODE].

Boost ads are unaffected by this issue.

We will follow up with more information when we have it.

The bug is causing inconveniences for businesses and Google has already announced notifications to the public about the situation. If you have been affected, then your business may be in Pending status for as long as four weeks. This may mean no search engine visibility to customers on Google Maps and Google Places decreasing the rate of finding quality customers and possible earnings. There is still no estimated time for a fix to take place.

If you have a local SEO reseller or company that created a Google Places campaign for your business, then make sure that they are on top of it like offers its clients with SEO services that target the local market. All of their clients have authentic content and behavior, which are factors to avoid getting a pending status in Google Places. Visit their website at to learn about their local SEO services and more.

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