Multi-Admin Capacity For Google+ Brand Pages

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Many SEO Outsourcing companies are experts in social media marketing. It makes sense too. While SEO brings in customers and leads – social media engages current audiences solidifying brand identity.


The popular social networking sites are: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Unable to ignore the massive traffic the leading search engine Google has launched its own social network – Google+. While similar in function to Facebook, Google+ is intended to be more helpful to all companies today.

The Problem

Currently, Google+ only allows one admin to have control the profile of a certain brand page. This is an inconvenience to social media managers who might be managing team members just for a single brand. The Google+ page limits the admin to one user. Enterprises with pages and pages of content, events and other data will have difficulties managing the profile due to the one admin limitation.

The Latest Addition: A Solution

Two weeks ago, Google gave selected third party apps early access to their Google+ API. However, the only solution they had was to share one login to the whole team, or, for only one person to maintain the Google+ page that they have. Either of the two situations aren’t feasible because it will cause security and workflow issues in the future.

Google+ team recently announced that they are making some tweaks to Google+. This will allow multiple admins to manage one brand page, and will be implemented before 2012.

If you need help in attaining your online marketing goals, don’t hesitate to let us know. is a turnkey online marketing company that will help you with your brand’s needs. Social media marketing, Google Places SEO and white label SEO are just some of the services that we have that will definitely help you out. Visit us at to learn more about the products that we offer.

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