Social Networks Stealing Your Search traffic?

Your business website is finally getting the traffic it deserves after hours of SEO work with search optimization, identifying keywords, and hours of content writing and link building. And of course, all the link buttons to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social network sites are in place with all the pages because it’s the right thing to do. However, what you might not realize is that these social sites have their own strategy to taking away traffic from your business.

No matter how much interesting content you have on your site, visitors are already a loyal user of Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn and will find time to click the link button to see if any message, post or friend request is waiting for them in their profiles…and once they leave there’s little probability they will find their way back…concluding in your loss in the conversion game. This scenario can be tactfully managed.

It all relies on the choosing the right time and place where you locate these links buttons. Brands that have sites that are known for social success like Dell, practice this and their key strategy is obvious: no invitations to join Facebook, Twitter, of LinkedIn on home pages or landing page. The correct place would be to invite the visitors after a successful sale or sign-up which gives the whole process a chance to be accomplished and the objective done saving you from giving away your traffic to these social sites.

365Outsource provides solutions for your business with years of SEO experience establishing an effective methodology. Outsourcing is affordable by using economical resources at established SEO firms. Learn more about SEO Outsourcing at and find the right product for your business.

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