Social SEO Best Practices for Facebook and Twitter

In the past few years, it has become a fact that you have to optimize your social presence on the internet for searches. As a business owner, how do you do that? It may be a daunting task but it is possible. In achieving this, you have to keep two things in mind: (1) help the social pages of your business such as Facebook and Twitter rank better, and (2) improve your website’s rankings through social influences. Companies like SEO resellers are equipped with the proper knowledge to help you boost your social presence. Here are a few tips to get you going.

Helping your social media pages

1. Use your brand name whenever possible. Link your brand name and product with your posts. It has the same effect when URLs have keyword search terms in it to have an advantage for high SEO search rankings.

2. Get as much “Likes” from your customers or followers. Getting Likes from Facebook is an inherent sign that your brand or business can be trusted, creating an impact on your rankings.

3. Create links from your home page. Search engine algorithms value links that lead to social media websites.

Helping your website through social media

1. Invite them to connect with your social media pages. People who visit your website will be curious about your products and services. You can invite them to join your Facebook fan page or to follow you on Twitter to increase your social media circle.

2. Ensure the social media friendliness of your landing pages’ head terms. Head terms are words that drive huge amounts of traffic to your website. Since it is the first thing your customers see, make sure they are social-media-friendly by adding a “Bookmark & Share” menu, which will help in increasing your SEO efforts.

3. Drive social involvement from your website. Facebook offers people various types of interaction platforms through their social plugins. Choose one which you think will benefit you the best and utilize it.

Although there are already many companies who have seized this valuable opportunity, many or some are not aware of the best practices to ensure their social media tool’s success. This gives your business more exposure and more channels for you to reach your customers and vice versa. To learn more about social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and other beneficial SEO tools like Google Places SEO, find an experienced company like is updated with the latest social media news and techniques to put your business on the top. Call +1 (415) 625-9700 today!

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